Kahn Laboratories
240 Canal Rd
Bradford BD1 4SX
Tel: 01274 749 999

Chelsea Boutique
Chelsea Truck Company
385 Kings Road
London SW10 0LR
Tel: 0207 751 4555

Kensington Boutique
Kahn Automobiles
377 Kensington High Street
London W14 8Q
Tel: 0203 740 6005

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An exclusive Interview with Afzal Kahn
Feb 13, 2020

The August 2013 issue of Land Rover Monthly Magazine is a special edition to say the least.

Features Editor, Patrick Cruywagen spoke to Afzal Kahn about his love for Defenders, why the road is his catwalk and a career in the automotive industry that spans over 25 years.

And despite the near 500 mile round-trip, meeting Afzal Kahn was the highlight of Patrick’s day.

Here is one key talking point from the interview:

“I remember when I was a kid I walked past an auto shop in Deansgate; this was back in the days when the Mercedes 190E was a big thing. I knew that this what I wanted to be involved in. I found this guy in the yellow pages who made GRP products and asked him to teach me how to make these parts. In exchange I worked for him for a year for nothing. My day with him started at 6 am and finished at 12pm then I would have to go sort out my amusement arcade business. After four months I knew this business inside out and could ma e the parts myself.”

To read the entire interview, and Patrick’s take on the Kahn Defender, pick up a copy of the August issue of LRM magazine.


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